We are pleased to announce the release of JarNavigator 1.0. JarNavigator is a Jar Viewer tool to view the Java classes and their relationships with other classes, interface and enums. It is the easiest way to view classes, methods, properties, etc. inside a jar file.
JarNavigator tool helps you to view, navigate and search Java class files, meta data and other resources(text, images, etc.) stored in a jar file.
Key Features
- Auto generate UML class diagram for any class
- Decompiles class file into java source structure
- Find class, method and field by name
- Navigate across classes, interfaces and enums
- Unpack a jar file and Create a new Jar file(Jar and Unjar)
- Supports jar,war,ear,har,sar and zip file formats
- Standalone application. No IDE is required.